I am excited and honored to welcome you to my website.
My career as a life coach is informed by fifteen years of practice as an attorney, two decades of yoga practice and spiritual pursuits, intrepid world traveling, and being a friend, daughter, parent, confidante. These are just some of my facets. I recognize that you have a story, a background, dreams, aspirations and frustrations. I love how human we are, and my mission is to co-create your amazing life with you – in all its grandeur and challenge.
As your coach, I share my intuition in a direct yet warm manner, pose incisive questions and appreciate humor and thoughtful exchanges. I guard your confidentiality and honor your secret spaces in service of facilitating insights that enable you to grab life with as much joy and self love as possible. I will be your biggest supporter, always serving as a stand for your greatness and inherent capacity to create the life you want.
You are likely accomplished at a variety of pursuits, and are noticing that the successes that felt rewarding are no longer providing the same satisfaction. The same actions, whether professional, in relationship, or even leisure are not yielding the same rewards. You are interested in transitions and personal development – career, relationship, health, increasing life satisfaction and joy. You want to create new pathways, break old habit patterns, elucidate blind spots and get rid of ways of being that no longer serve you. My clients are ready to move forward into a more satisfying and intentional life. Welcome to the next level – Onward&Upward!